Dreams » Official Position

Official Position

What does it mean to dream of an official position? Is it good to dream of an official position? Dreaming of an official position has real-life impacts and reactions, as well as the dreamer's subjective imagination. Please see the detailed explanation below compiled by the Zhougong Dream Interpretation website.

A noble person dreaming of being selected for an official position indicates that they will gain wealth and be promoted.

An ordinary person dreaming of being selected for an official position indicates that they will gain wealth and have children.

An elderly person dreaming of being given a position indicates that they will fall ill.

Original Version Zhougong Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of buying and selling official positions. Dreaming of selling an official position to someone or selling someone else's position indicates that the person will be wealthy and noble; but if the sold position is a role in the underworld, it indicates bad luck. If it's one's own position being sold, it means losing the position and wealth; if the sold position is not an earthly official position, it indicates longevity and happiness. Dreaming of buying an official position from someone, or someone who shouldn't get an official position, the specific nature of the position will reveal whether it's good luck or hidden dangers. For someone who should get an official position, the specifics of the position and from whom it was bought will determine good fortune. If the position is not an earthly one, it is not a good omen. "Menglin Xuanjie"

Dreaming of being selected for an official position. This dream indicates that a noble person will gain wealth and be promoted, an ordinary person will gain wealth and have children. An elderly person dreaming of being given a position indicates illness, and if already ill, it is a bad omen. "Menglin Xuanjie"

Dreaming of official position records. Dreaming of seeing one's name on the record is good for scholars but bad for ordinary people. Seeing no name on the record is good for ordinary people but bad for scholars. Seeing someone else's name on the record indicates that person will soon take office. If the position is not an earthly one, it is a sign of bad luck and worry. "Menglin Xuanjie"