Dreams » Straw


What does it mean to dream of straw? Is it good to dream of straw? Dreams of straw have real-life influences and reactions, as well as the dreamer's subjective imagination. Please see the detailed explanation of dreaming of straw organized by the Zhougong Dream Interpretation website below.

Dreaming of straw indicates that your future life will be full of emptiness and disappointment.

Dreaming of a burning pile of straw signifies that your career is about to reach a brilliant peak.

Dreaming of feeding straw to livestock suggests that the sustenance you provide to those who depend on you is just enough to fill their stomachs.

Women who dream of straw will lead a wealthy life.

Farmers who dream of piles of straw or crops will have a bountiful harvest.

Dreaming of fire burning a pile of straw is an ominous sign. Disaster may strike.

Original version of Zhougong's Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of harvesting rice indicates lawsuits will capture thieves, generals will execute rebels, and businesses will gain profit, all very auspicious. (Menglin Xuanjie)

Dreaming of getting rice from the heavens signifies good fortune in all matters. (Menglin Xuanjie)

Seeing a pile of straw indicates wealth and nobility. (Zhougong's Dream Interpretation)

Dreaming of rice appearing by itself brings great joy. (Dunhuang Dream Book)

Psychological Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: Seeing straw in a dream represents weakness and emptiness. If the straw you see is not in a natural environment, it suggests you may be aware that you are in a phase lacking experience and content. As a short-term structure, a straw hat may indicate you are in a temporary state.

Psychological Analysis: If you see an item made of straw in your dream, it signifies you know it cannot last. You must pay attention to what aspects of life are temporary.

Spiritual Symbol: From a spiritual perspective, straw symbolizes endurance.