Dreams » Gallbladder


What does it mean to dream of a gallbladder? Is it good to dream of a gallbladder? Dreaming of a gallbladder has real-life impacts and reactions, as well as the dreamer's subjective imagination. Please see the detailed explanation of dreaming of a gallbladder organized by the official Zhougong Dream Interpretation website below.

Dreaming of a gallbladder means you feel the hardships in your life. If such feelings enter your vision through dreams, it indicates that you have the opportunity to express and delve deeply into research and processing.

If the dream involves gallbladder or gallbladder surgery, it means you are willing to give up efforts that do not benefit you. You must rid yourself of hardships, difficulties, and feelings of guilt.

Dreaming that the gallbladder suddenly becomes larger is an auspicious sign. A large gallbladder without fear signifies that the dreamer will be fearless and proactive in their actions, dealing with matters with strategy and planning.

Dreaming of a diseased gallbladder means that what you are currently doing will not benefit you and must be abandoned.

The liver secretes bile, stores animal starch, regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and has detoxification, hematopoiesis, and coagulation functions.

Bile is bitter, and it is related to 'choleric'—easily angered and irritable.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that 'black bile' made people melancholic and depressed, while 'yellow bile' made people irritable.

The liver in dreams symbolizes a person's emotional state.

Dreaming of liver damage suggests that mishandling of emotions in daily life will lead to poor interpersonal relationships.

Dreaming of a liver usually indicates that the dreamer's suppressed emotions need to erupt.

Dreaming of a diseased liver means that your chosen lifelong partner will be a quick-tempered person who is constantly nitpicking, filling your life with anxiety and unease.

The liver in dreams symbolizes a person's emotional state.

Dreaming of a liver indicates the dreamer's emotional suppression and eruption; dreaming of liver damage suggests that mishandling of emotions in daily life will lead to poor interpersonal relationships.

Dreaming of eating liver predicts that a deceiver is trying to win your lover's affection.

Original Zhougong Dream Interpretation

Dreaming that the gallbladder suddenly grows larger is auspicious. A large gallbladder without fear indicates that the dreamer will be fearless and proactive in their actions, dealing with matters with strategy and planning. "Meng Lin Xuan Jie"